3 Simple Tips To Create Better Employee Loyalty…

3 min readAug 2, 2020

Today I would like to mention one of the most popular topic of the business world.

It is Employee Loyalty

Employee loyalty is one of the common topic which almost every company works on it. Regarding this topic, there are thousands of articles that are not read and trainings that are spent money/time.

According to my observations, every company that wants to compete aggressively in their sector and market should know what does Employee Loyalty stand for? It should be known because it is a crucial element for competition and springing up to other opportunities.

To build a permanent employee loyalty on the company is not one day work, it requires, EMPLOYER LOYALTY, effective time, well-observed studies, a proactive mindset, and fertile HR strategies. Besides these, it partially depends on the vision and aspect of the leaders and other golden- collars who work for the company.

If the company and top management have a vision on this topic, every step and implementations can be productive and healthier for the company and employees.

In this regard, I would like to share 3 tips to build better employee loyalty…

1-) Contact and Support

With the changing of generations, employees have the aspiration to have their talents and thoughts be realized. To retention educated and talented employees, leaders and companies should be in contact with employees and create an appropriate work environment to support the employees to be realized themselves.

On the other hand, companies should support their employees because according to the last researches new generations( Y and Z) want to be supported for their personnel goals by the company. This situation is the reality of our era and if companies want to be successful in the ensuing year, they have to be supportive through to their employees.

2-) Create Company Culture

Creating a peculiar company culture is the most important element for companies that are open-minded and willing to grow up. Culture is directly related with employee’s loyalty. If employees feel that they are involved in this culture they can do their best for the company.

It is not easy to create an effective company culture, it should be very extensive and should touch each employee who works in the company. If the culture doesn’t touch each employee, probably the company might not be as successful as they desire.

To understand how important thing is culture, please check the stories of the best companies of the worlds. They are bests because all of them have a peculiar culture.

3-)Match The Goals

With true culture, companies should clearly determine their and employee's goals and match them for success. Using the company objectives and key results effective leaders can match these goals easily and create high-motived teams.

In order to be successful in this step, companies should create effective and realistic goals that can motivate the employees. With this way employees can attach their own measurable goals to those objectives.

With my regards…




Hello :) I am Gokhan. On my page, I will share my experiences and last updates about HR and business world. I wish you best :)